Thursday, March 8, 2012

This week was uneventful, so here are doodles

 These are doodles of pretty much me... I kinda want to be a hippie. not for drug use or sex, but to be free from a society where true self is constantly pounced upon and shredded until something it wants appears.
 My friend and I have created fake personas of us as superheroes. The names were her idea, not mine. But they still remain amazing.
 More me... am I giving too much away? Is anyone there listening?
 I doodled some stuff from a fashion magazine, those things are sorta scary when you consider what they think is beautiful and what is really out there in the world and how it does not at all meet their expectations.
 Monsters, animals, etc. are subject I have extremely difficulty with. But I let loose of reality here for just a second to let some creatures out and I set the free on this piece of paper.
 ...No explanation.
 I need bigger dreams... seriously.

This bottom one is pretty much a character I have growing in my stupid brain.Scrapping the glasses idea, not her thing.

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