Saturday, March 3, 2012

An Introduction

Something perhaps a little late, but sadly that is me. Always late. I could as easily be early, but that wouldn't be me so it's impossible.
My name is Tristen. Apparently my dad named me and had no idea why. 
It apparently means tumult which is a violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar in short. Maybe I'm destined to start riots over thong sales.
Well I suppose I would be classified as a geek. I have a love for Marvel and alternative comics, RPG video games, and cartoons varying from My Little Pony to Young Justice. I have no fashion sense, choosing practicality over fashion, comfort over fashion, ..... everything but fashion.
I'd love to make a living from my passion of drawing, or live to support my passion. I also hate science and crawley creatures. 
Gosh what else? I'm impractical, I hide parts of myself that are reserved for some chosen few, and the part you see they don't, and the parts they do you don't. Sometimes there are parts no one see's, parts I prefer to come out in special moments when I know the world forgets me and the parts are no longer in danger of criticism. Parts. I'm a mechanical machine with an all too real heart.
I like the days when I lay in bed all day with no purpose, when my heartbeat is not heard but felt when I stay still in the middle of the night, when I walk this world with an ass kicking soundtrack blasting away in my ears. 
I am least happy alone when my thoughts and self doubt begin to grow louder, when the heat is off and the cold reaches my toes unprotected, and when the coffee is all gone.
I love Canadian artists and comic book makers as they inspire and set the bar. The way they paint and create stories, or retell old ones, so we may see them as clear as they do, or perhaps in a new perspective. It's amazing how this talent was shared with us whether we are worthy or not.
I dream of antique apartments constructively messy, of art classes and animations leaping off the screen, and road trips to places new and old. 
In reality I can easily tell you of my characteristics, my likes and dislikes, my good points and bad points. But never, at least for now, will I be able to tell you me. In all honesty thats up for you to discover, and if you already do know me, then maybe you need to rediscover. 

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