Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Just something I did while bored and perhaps craving a particular baked good <3 Also strawberry ice cream, cause that stuff has their own food category.

Friday, July 6, 2012

High School

Okay so I was walking down memory lane (like 2 months ago xD), so I doodles a comic on one of my fave high school moment. Singing in cars as you jam out. Yep.
Might do more later.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I drew something!

so this is crappy, but hey its something~! just been stuck in an art blockage thingy. art block. i was hit with a case of art block. so yeah. here is something i drew and colored, and plastered over with a paint texture i found in picmonkey. woo.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Week Full of Doodles

 Various doodles, bottom right corner is meas I am now, and my 6 year old self. Bottom middle is sort of just to help with my body issues. And the bottom left is something that occurred as I put on a sports bra for gym.Everything else has no meaning.
 Atomic Betty,drew it as I watched an episode. Because I am a soon to be high school graduate who watches Teletoon.. DON'T JUDGE ME D:
 Top middle ispired by a fave blogger, top right is my dream wedding dress!
 Attempted pony and human version of Pinkie Pie.... yea we ain't ever attempting this again.EVER.
I always come up with stupid ideas and realities. Please ignore me.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Plan Thus Far

So this year will just be a breather. I have my whole life to decide, plan, do. In fact though if I had gone the path my heart screamed for, I'd be packing up and headed to Toronto.
But now I just breathe, struggle, decide.
Next year I'll be looking into either animation or gaming. The following schools are in Canada, and will be the ones I furiously apply to.
Max the Mutt though is the preferred one, not sure, just immensely drawn to it. But we'll see how things unfurl as time plays itself out. That's all I can do for now.

I Can

Just a song to ease my pre-grad jitters. Gosh I love this band, I love the Narnia part of Youtube even more.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

1 Year From Now

So my time in the high school scene is almost at its closing. No more slushie runs, no more of Mrs. T's wacky stories, no more talks with a pretty awesome librarian at spares. No more.
When your little you always want to grow up, make your own decisions, be the boss.
But now, I want nothing more than the simple hug and kiss from my mother after a scraped knee, lunches at my Hama's before heading back to elementary, screaming on the playground.
I'll miss it, but as unprepared as I am, I know you never  get anywhere if your always looking back. I need to look forward, as uncertain and scary as it may seem or be.
One year from now...
I hope to be a better artist.
I hope I apply and get accepted into the animation school of my dreams.
I hope my family finds a way to repair itself.
I hope I can keep a few of my friends, make new ones too.
I hope the shadows of my former self don't take me tumbling down again.
I hope my dad is still around.
I hope for everything.
But I know I can't get have it all, so if there is one thing I can hope and achieve on my own merit.
I hope a year from now I am more responsible, a little more mature, a better person. I hope I am still my own strange and slightly never quite understood self. I hope I can find happy in the darkest of places.

One year from now, we'll just to wait and see.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


So I am simply going back to a character from...March?I dunno, if your oh so curious, you can go and look.
But yeah, she's a space police officer of sorts.
Well I'm done, this is getting ridiculous, OFF TO BED I GO!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Doodle Thursday

 yes this is a adventure time line with katniss as the narrator XD
was listening to some fabulous nat king cole while i drew this

Sunday, May 6, 2012


so i watched the avengers, and i nearly went into cardiac arrest because it was that GOOD. i cannot even stress out how amazing and perfect it all was.
and loki, omg loki D:


her two forms, the first being the beautiful maiden, the second a tormented soul bent on pain and destruction to others.
sorta like a venus fly trap, except in a "shit your pants" kinda way

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nicki Minaj and Super Powered!

 Nicki Minaj, just wanted to design something for her.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Characters and Stuff

 Random Character Sketches :)
 Was watching the fashion channel... this occurred.
Quite happy with these doodles actually

Monday, April 16, 2012

Other Stuff

Leftovers from the week
 May tweak the second image, directly connected to my bioshock comic on deviantart.
 Tilt your head and you will view ADVENTURE TIME INSPIRED GOODNESS :D
Supah Legs,manlier than any man's manly legs!

Superhero Mania!

Been watching Young Justice along with some Marvel titles and it has been lighting a fire in my head,so here are some superhero OCs.
 Different stages in life.
 More of a villain.
 Backstory for JAMES, who is below.
Will be working more on her and the bio.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Adventure time...AGAIN

whenever I decide to draw dudes, their damn legs decide to go all lopsided.

 Done while watching the new Muppets movie, but yea, I really liked this doodle page.

A Request.... kinda got out of hand

 So A friend requested I draw her as a High Priestess... It grew into this. The picture below is her, High Priestess of the moon. Above is me, Assistant to the High Priestess of the moon.
 High Priestess character design.
 My design...
 Moon Goddess
Us together, where I am telling her she has time in the schedule to beat up whoever pissed her off....
This will likely result in a comic.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

no idea what mood i was in when this happened...high?

eating habits

 i could only eat ketchup with a fork, screw the spoon, it was used for combing my hair!
... i was an even odder child okay, don't judge.
i loved ice cream soup, bloody hell of a mess though.

Friday, March 30, 2012


i have a feeling if i never really began my passion for art, i would have driven to becoming a teacher, i would have probably dedicated more time to studying than drawing, i probably would have been a "smart" girl. i would have made things easier for my parents and made them very proud.
but to not draw, i would be soulless, i'd never have gained a part of me that defines my actions and drives my d...reams. i would starve for art, be without a home, sacrifice my sanity to draw.
i could never have had that drive for anything else, no other profession that lies outside that dimension would be as dear, nothing would be as important.
a lot of people in this world give up on dreams for practicality. well, if you know me, i kick practicality in the ass.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Me and a Cow

Asked a girl I was babysitting to draw a cow, and this is the interpretation of what she draw. Personally, I want one.