Thursday, May 24, 2012

1 Year From Now

So my time in the high school scene is almost at its closing. No more slushie runs, no more of Mrs. T's wacky stories, no more talks with a pretty awesome librarian at spares. No more.
When your little you always want to grow up, make your own decisions, be the boss.
But now, I want nothing more than the simple hug and kiss from my mother after a scraped knee, lunches at my Hama's before heading back to elementary, screaming on the playground.
I'll miss it, but as unprepared as I am, I know you never  get anywhere if your always looking back. I need to look forward, as uncertain and scary as it may seem or be.
One year from now...
I hope to be a better artist.
I hope I apply and get accepted into the animation school of my dreams.
I hope my family finds a way to repair itself.
I hope I can keep a few of my friends, make new ones too.
I hope the shadows of my former self don't take me tumbling down again.
I hope my dad is still around.
I hope for everything.
But I know I can't get have it all, so if there is one thing I can hope and achieve on my own merit.
I hope a year from now I am more responsible, a little more mature, a better person. I hope I am still my own strange and slightly never quite understood self. I hope I can find happy in the darkest of places.

One year from now, we'll just to wait and see.

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